Education & Training

We offer education to people at all stages and from any background: it is the key to changing behaviour and can best be achieved through interaction with nature.

Visit our Get Involved Education pages to download resources, watch films, and visit the River Academy

Our approach

We believe everyone should have the opportunity to have ‘wet feet’.

To this end all our staff actively work with stakeholders and landowners, providing advice and information on many aspects of land and river management.

Our education officers also work directly with schools and colleges, supported by colleagues from across the charity to inspire a life-long love for rivers.

Our wealth of knowledge and hands on experience is where our real strength lies, and sharing that through education and training is vital to our work.

One of the main remits of the trust is to advance the education of the public in water management and we believe that education should span across generations. As such, we have developed a wide variety of educational activities.

Our passion for environmental education is reflected in the fact that all staff are involved to varying degrees in education, whether it be running vocational courses, community talks, event workshops, advisor training or college modules.

Are you looking for educational or professional training resources?

We believe that by providing education across generations we nurture not only the next generation of river and land managers, advisors and policy makers but support ongoing understanding for all.

Higher Education

In this 2 hour lecture given to undergraduate and postgraduate students at the Universities of Reading and Plymouth , Dr Nick Paling, the Westcountry Rivers Trust’s Head of Evidence & Engagement illustrates how the pressures degrading water quality in a catchment can be assessed and their sources determined. Once done, this allows a carefully tailored and targeted plan of action to be formed to reduce these impacts.